Friday 18 September 2015


Recently that the holidays are over. In this year I'm in second of ESO.

This  summer I went to swimming pool, cinema, beach... but my favorite day of this summer was when my family and I went to the countryhouse of one friend of my mother.

Too, I went a lot of days at my cousin's home, and I went with my aunt, my uncle and my cousins to a lot of places: The funfire for my aunt's birthday, bike's excursions, we saw three films: Minions, Tomorrowland and Inside out I liked this films...
My birthday was in July, so I'm thirteen years old :)

Never I forgot this summer because it was the happiest one.

Monday 1 June 2015


I met an application called GIMP, I think this application is very interesting and has also helped me a lot to edit my photos, logos ... do have many tools that can do different things like writing in the pictures ...
I hope this explanation will serve you so that you link to download GIMP and you give them a personal touch to your photos.
My works:

And this is my assembly:


Friday 27 February 2015



In this unit, I'm learned better use LibreOffice.
I discovered more opcions how:

· Character, Paragraphs ...

These are some ejercises that I do:

1º:                                                                                       2º:


3º:                                                                                       4º:


5º:                                                                                         6º:

7º:                                                                                         8º:

9º:                                                                                        10º:


Now I'm how to put images, lettering different types...

Thursday 8 January 2015


Hello, in this  year, I want bring te playsatation 4, because I've always wanted one

Friday 26 September 2014

Welcome to my new blog

Hi, my name is Alejandro. I'm twelve years old.

I'm study in the Salvador Gadea and I have a one sister studing in Salvador Gadea.

My hair is brown, I'm brown eyes.

I'm like athletis. My hobbies are athletis, drawing and listen to music.

In this blog,
I'm going talk about the works in the high school IES Salvador Gadea .